How Customer Data Platform can be beneficial for email marketing?
Jun 2, 2023

How Customer Data Platform can be beneficial for email marketing?

Email marketing is a perfect solution for digitally-based start ups (low price, easy to measure and operate), despite having its bad reputation caused by companies sending spam and mass emails. You don’t need to be one of them! Learn how to master your email marketing skills thanks to the Customer Data Platform!

1. Send personalized content

Personalizing email content is not just adding a name of the user (although it is a crucial feature of every email!). Nowadays, customers expect a much higher level of personalization, so your message needs to be specifically targeted to the recipient’s needs and interests!

The Customer Data Platform provides you with in-depth and precise information at a real-time about each individual client, giving you enormous possibilities in terms of email customization.

How can you use data provided by the CDP?

  • Schedule your emails at the time when a customer is more likely to respond/open the message
  • Create an appealing content based on client’s interests
  • Send personalized recommendations about products the customer needs at this certain point in time. Avoid sending messages regarding an item a client already owns.
  • Customize images, so that they would be attractive for the user; fitting their taste

2. Building the right audience

The Customer Data Platform would help you choose the right audience to target; the one which would bring the highest profits to the company in the long-run.

CDP software constantly scans all information about an individual client, in order to indicate the most detailed and precise data needed in the process of discovering the best segment. Email segmentation strategy is key in order to find the right audience for your emails.

The right audience is interested in your offering, and thus deserves your attention!

Consequently, it is crucial to find this beneficial target and grant them with best offerings, as well as with an excellent communication flow via emails (Emails are 40 times more effective than Facebook, and Twitter combined while acquiring new customers).

How to segment customers for your email marketing strategy (while using data produced by the Customer Data Platform)?

  • Purchase history– send different kinds of messages to new and existing customers. They both have different points of interests!
  • Abandoned shopping baskets– Your customers might have been distracted by something during placing an order, and as a result, left our website forgetting to complete their purchase. You need to make sure to remind them about deserted shopping!
  • Geographical– every locale has its different tendencies and virals. Why not adapting to their needs? Think globally, but act locally!

How segmenting can improve your email marketing strategy?

  • Improves ROI
  • Enhance retention rate among your customers
  • Helps sending relevant messages to the right group of people
  • Raise engagement of customers who are more likely to find your message interesting when it is personalized

3. Analyzing the lead list

Email list is your biggest asset as a marketer, since it is a place to find customers interested in your product. You can also easily interact organically with them through such means as webinars, whitepapers and newsletters, due to the fact that they shared emails with you and are most probably willing to build a relationship.

The CDP can help you specify the email content for your leads and ensure that your message is always personalized and accustomed to their lifestyle (certain images, point in time and much more).

How to generate more leads?

  • Email your potential customers regularly and provide them with a high-quality customized content
  • Create appealing content on both website, blog and social media sites, accordingly with your clients’ interests (base the data on precise CDP’s findings)
  • Regularly invite people to join your mailing list (offer special discounts, vip access, extra service, etc.)

4. Creating the right strategy

You cannot run a prosperous business without having a clear goal and a concise approach to achieve it.

Remember that your strategy needs to be aligned with the customer data analysis, since your audience is the one to be served, thus clients’ needs should be valued the most./p>

There are two key questions which need to be answered while creating a champion strategy:

  • What business should we be in (Corporate Strategy)
  • How shall we compete in this business? (Business Strategy)

The Customer Data Platform would set up valid answers to those questions, enabling you to create a successful strategy for your business by pinpointing major goals which should be taken into consideration based on your potential customers’ demands.

Having a suitable strategy in mind would help your email marketing thrive. You would be able to find the right approach to follow while targeting an audience through emails.

Examples of email marketing strategies:

  • Creating emails optimized to the mobile view
  • Try to engage inactive subscribers
  • Share interesting content
  • Personalize emails
  • Add limited offers to the emails (create an atmosphere of urgency)

5. Real-time data

Likewise, CDP finds its usability within email marketing data through its real-time data feature. Being constantly up-to-date is a unique characteristic of the Customer Data Platform which makes it stand out in relation to competitive software.

A company which implemented CDP receives the most precise and timely information about its customers, so it can meet their demand at the current moment and even predict some future trends which are very likely to appear in the near future. A CDP deliver the data for email marketing that makes it a level better than the competition through personalization.

Meeting customers’ demand immediately after the first interaction is crucial within many industries, especially when it comes to e-commerce. Thanks to the CDP you are able to send emails to the client right after they show an interest for the certain item on your webshop. The CDP allows for better email recommendation so you cut out the noise and deliver crisp messaging to your customers.

The real-time email most likely is going to enhance the purchase; your customer sees that you are responsive, precise and always ready to help them in needs. You can also encourage clients to finalize the acquisition by immediately offering an extra deal or present advantages of the product within the email content. Possibilities are endless!